Humble Pope


Another Pope posting. As stated, I’m not religious but I’m impressed by Pope Francis’ humbleness – his desire to be closer to the people and his modest demeanor is an inspiration. And of course, there are those naysayers who are skeptical about how long his modesty will last. Nonetheless, it’s something worth commending.

Chris Dorner


With the conclusion to the Chris Dorner incident, I’m wondering if any further inquisitions will be made. I read Dorner’s manifesto and IMO is he crazy? Yes (and no). But he’s definitely not a dummy in some sense. I’m not condoning his action but wouldn’t you think it’s worth looking into his motives.  Dorner wrote an intensive manifesto justifying his action as a “necessary evil”; he criticizes the chain of command for their incompetents and apathy for justices. He’s accused a lot of people of wrong doing and believes certain measures needed to be taken.  But did it make a difference (or will it make a difference)?

Women in combat


First and foremost, I will admit that there are women out there that are stronger than guys; some women even shoot and fight better than guys. Now with that out of the way, let’s get serious on this topic of women in combat roles. A lot of people don’t seem to understand the severity of women in combat roles. The issue of cohesion and structure of the combat arms role is at stake. What if one was to get captured (e.g. Private Jessica Lynch), and there’s also the issue sexual assault/harassment from within a coed unit. I’m for sure saying this will have negative effects.